------------------ The Demo Reviews ------------------ ------------ By NOSAH - DCS ------------ For all the demo worshippers out there, here is the demo review page. This is where demos released since the last issue of the mag will be looked at and if worthy they will be rated and possibly included on the disk. This page is being done by Nosah coz Frapp and myself didn't agree fully on certain aspects. I hope there are no hard feelings Frapp. Let's kick off then with the demos which have climbed to the top this time. FOLLOW ME - RED SECTOR ---------------------- Dave-I know that this demo is actually a bit dated now, but it was release after issue 1 of S.D. So I've included it here.I would rate it most certainly as one of the best demos released since issue 1. It is up to Red Sector standards The graphics used in the demo are superb, and the skeleton which is beckoning to you out of the screen is quite stunning.Occasionaly an animated aircraft will fly from the horizon to the front of the screen accompanied by appropriate sound effects. There is a large RS logo at the top of the screen which can be toggled out to reveal the obligatory scroll text. One of the major points about this demo is the music composed by Romeo Knight, it's brilliant and very atmospheric. Check this demo out, it's on the disk. Kreator - I'm only going to say a few words here. The demo is in fact based on the album cover 'Peace Sells ... But Who's Buying' by Megadeth, right down to the logo style.As Megadeth are one of my fave bands,full marks there. Coding wise the demo is relatively simple, but the combination of great graphics and impressive sonics from Romeo Knight make this a demo worth watching. VECTORS 1990 - REBELS --------------------- Dave - First of all I think it is only right to say that the similarity between this demo and SEVEN SINS from Scoopex Finland is very noticable.Even the music is similar. However, I still have to say that it is a worthy piece of work, with some improvements made over the demo it is emulating.There is outstanding use of bobs and vectors, including a really nice screen of bobs which make up a solar system, very colourful too.All displays are imposed over the all too often present star field, with the screen size being reduced slightly by the introduction of two grey colour bars. In this demo, the Bobs/Vectors are not faded out as they change, instead a nice touch has been added where the lower colour bar moves up to wipe the screen clear and then lowers to reveal the next routine ..Nice. The music isn't too great but it's a good demo. Kreator -The bobs in this demo all run on a full 32 colour screen, which deserves some commendation. This results in some very good looking objects. Another point in their favour is the complete absence of a scroller, and the most suprising fact of all, this demo is just over 70 k in length! I agree entirely with Dave's selection of this demo. THE ROOM - FAIRLIGHT -------------------- Dave - Quite a novel demo I thought. A great tune is playng while you watch some raytracing done in the centre of the screen (The Room) above and below this is an unusual "ripple" effect. I don't know what it is, I just like it. Kreator - Great demo to watch, interesting use of sprites(I think!)to create a solid 3D cube bouncing round the room, well done Celebrandil ! Well there have been quite a number of demos released recently, here are some of them .... Megademo-Predators>>Some great parts in this demo from New Zealand, well worth checking out if only for the music (2 Disks ).....Megademo-Vision>> This is yet another megademo from them but some good grafix from a new member ..... Partytime-Slipstream >> It's basically a number of digitised pics from the Bournemouth party which are displayed progressively,there are bobs and logos displayed over the pics, but they appear only as shadows,which adds to the effect of the pics which are in B/W. Coded by Andi (Nice one)..... Landscape-Mode D >>An unusual one this it is displaying ( in framework form ) a landscape which is continuously changing shape and rotating , great music.....Rebellion-Network >>What can I say, some of the best music I have ever heard on the AMIGA, all coded by 4MAT. Don't expect to see any great artwork coz there are no grafix...Hit the Road-Flash Prodution ( its a megademo), This one was made for the Upfront party in Denmark, It contains some excellent music and artwork and is a real team effort with all members of the group contributing....... Vectorstuff-IT >> Another one produced for the Upfront party, this demo contains an absolutely fantastic tune and some really good vector stuff, from Norways best !!.... VectorBalls- Arcadia >> A powerful tune and some nice multicoloured balls moving and rotating.... Please send your demos for review to the address on the contents page. Now for a couple of adverts -------------------------------------- If you want to buy or get the latest AMIGA wares then contact -- VISION FACTORY -- Write to ( NO NAME !! ) PLK 021362 C 2300 KIEL 1 WEST GERMANY -------------------------------------- The UNTOUCHABLES are looking for additional members, only the best will be accepted - Contact the UTB HQ SPIRAX - UTB 38 MARTON DRIVE BILLINGHAM CLEVELAND TS22 5BA --------------------------------------